Today is better! As was yesterday! Firstly, I saw my therapist in the morning, who, when I told her about my ex's insensitivity about already staying out all night with another woman the day after we filed our divorce papers (insert salt-in-wound here), said simply, and I am paraphrasing here, ''Are you really surprised? After all, wasn't it his lack of empathy that brought you to this point in the first place? He can't help it, you know that. This is just who he is. He doesn't mean for it to be that way, but still, it hurts you. This is why it isn't working anymore.'' Pattern of behavior . In the clear light of day, I realized that. He genuinely is oblivious that doing such a thing would be hurtful to me, just as he was oblivious that all of the other things were hurtful to me, too. I have learned you cannot teach a person empathy, either it is something they possess or it is something they do not. Lastly, I arrived at the yoga studio at 6:1...
Join me on my journey down the rabbit hole of Cancer Land! Treatment, divorce, parenthood, teaching and dating while learning to navigate my new life as a metavivor. My sordid tale begins on April 17, 2017 at age 33 when I was diagnosed with Stage II Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Triple Negative Breast Cancer and continues with my new Stage IV diagnosis exactly two years later on April 17, 2019.